Monday, 9 December 2013


السلام عليكم

Guess what, Im moving on. Alhamdulillah.
I can move-on cause I had met someone new, Inshaa Allah someone loyal will be.
His name was secretly, starting with A, end up with D.
Dear girl, I dislike on sharing mine, hihi so back off yeah.
Alhamdulillah, hopefully he was a good, loyal & handsome man will be.

Okay, lets go.
Past will only be my past.
Hm, maybe he arent my 'jodoh' so I should accept the fact, he had fall in love with someone new, someone that totally lucky, hey girl, take care of him for me.
Do sing a song, do text him, do call him.
Do everything that favor him, remember if he was heartless sometime, just ignore it and stay loving him.
He was totally loyal man eventhough he leave me now.
I dont care, he was not my mate. He's yours maybe?
But make sure, for every seconds, minutes, hours nor days, let his smile stay seductive
cause its was my favourite things on this earth.
dont worry madam, promise you I will never come back to his life,
he hurts me a lots.


but just stay loving him, how hurt he is, how damn he is, how suck he is
just love him perfectly
yeah, I knew, you must be thinking that I still have a feelings on him, yes oh yes
I do have, but now Im trying to be loyal to this man

A man,
that I doesnt know him yet.
A man,
that I doesnt know everything about him.
A man,
have a wonderful oval eyes.
A man,
that do have a seductive smile too.
A man,
that was a tall boyfriend to me.
A man,
that will be a good Imam, Inshaa Allah.

Dont scare, stay loyal to Asraf.
yeah, I had mention his name.
You love him, take  good care of him okay.
May have long-lasting relationship.

Eh, me overthinking, over-acting.
That was supposed to be an h-obby for hawa.
if you dont know me, dont judge me by reading this story.

even Im doing that suck stuff things, I do grateful on myself.
We have an adorable life so do enjoy it.
If you cant forget the past,
stay pray and do do'a to Allah.
I had do it and I had success on forgetting him.

Thats all guys,
done reading, keep hoping and praying for
Raihana Damia
to have

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