Wednesday 25 December 2013

{Kinda think}

السلام عليكم

Hey people earthlings.
Alhamdulillah, me still have a chance to let deep all inside; out here.
Emmm 😞

Hati oh Hati.
{malas nak berpuisi}

Sekali lagi kau terpaut dengan seseorang yang kau
agungkan tapi kau taktahu perasaan seseorang itu
memang tak bisa dimiliki
yakin tak bisa mencintai
sukar tak bisa diketahui

I just hate to start all over again
but I have to.
This is life.
People come, and go.
We were too dumb to have it as suprise.

sekali lagi kau salah dalam

Sakit, tak mampu dihuraikan sebab semua pernah lalui benda yang sama.
Menyukai seseorang yang tidak dapat membalas kembali.
Mencintai seseorang yang akan meninggalkan kamu sendiri.
Memiliki seseorang yang tidak kekal abadi.

sukar untuk dijelaskan bukan.
Orang kata; mencintai seseorang yang tulus mencintai kita.
susah untuk kita dapat manusia seperti ini di mukabumi.
jawapan di sini.

Manusia sering disakiti,
disebabkan itu muncullah kumpulan-kumpulan iblis yang akan
merosakkan ketulusan itu.

{memainkan perasaan}
{menduakan perasaan}

{player; playboy/girl; playcrocodile}

Yeah, lumrah hidup kita akan salah
Seseorang itu kerna itu dinamakan

Mestilah dipenuhi dengan pancaroba; dugaan; cubaan
kalau semua itu tidak wujud bagaimana perkataan
akan tercipta bukan?

Inshaa Allah, tak semua manusia jahat; keji.
Ada sebab jika mereka begitu.
semua yang berlaku pasti bersebab.
Maafkanlah mereka yang telah menyakitimu,
usah didendam atau dipendam perbuatan itu
ajal maut menanti kita
hanya menunggu
dengan penuh sabar;

'kinda think'
yeah, masih berfikir.
selemah-lemah diri ini, tuhan masih menduga.
beri lebih banyak cubaan;dugaan

masih keliru mengapa manusia di luar sana
masih mencaci//membenci
jika diri ini mahu
mungkin belum tiba waktunya dan mungkin diri ini patut
sampai ianya

dua tiga malam berturut-turut, aku bermimpi seorang {hamba allah}.
senyum tak terkata;
bahagia tak terkira;
simpulan senyuman dia, hanya Allah yang tahu betapa indahnya ia.
pelik, kenapa masih dia?
masih ragu-ragu dengan mimpi itu.
sukar untuk diceritakan.
{long story-line}

Mainan mimpi atau sebuah petanda?

jika mainan mimpi,
mohon dihentikan.
Sakit ini perit.
bukan mudah untuk dikawal.

jika ia sebuah petanda
berharap petanda itu tidak
perkara yang buruk.

Raihana Damia Binti Ruszaidi
tabah dalam harungi
semua dugaan;cubaan dalam dunia ini
semuanya sudah tertulis di tangan takdir.

{you dont have to love someone because the're perfect;
because you should love them in spite of the fact that they're not}


Thursday 12 December 2013

You smoke? Astagfirullah.

السلام عليكم

Hey people earthlings.
Muslim nor muslimah out there.
Hihi, cigarette?

In Malay, rokok?
Rokok, apa yang anda tahu dengan rokok?
Hm, hisap hembus hisap hembus betul?

Nak ke roh kita pun berlaku macam sebatang rokok tu.
Allah hisapkan kita ke dunia ni dengan free no charge, but kita pula buang peluang tu,
bagi Allah hembuskan kita pulang ke Alam Barzakh.

Kenapa perlu buang duit untuk benda HARAM tu.
Rokok itu Haram.

Masih tak faham dengan fakta tu, susahlah kalau macam ni.
Tak terfikirkah kita, sebenarnya Israel dan angkatannya terus-teruskan berusaha
cipta benda Haram tu supaya umat Islam sesat.
Sesat dalam genggaman dia dan Syaitan.
Supaya benda haram itu akan tujuh keturunan dalam badan
kita, anak kita, cucu kita, cicit kita.
Darah semua keturunan kita diperbuat/dicipta
sebahagian dari benda yang Haram.

Rokok/Shisha bersamaan dengan arak, dengan khinzir.
Sama ja.

rokok tak diperlukan untuk menunjukkan bahawa korang
hilang stess?
tolonglah, itu bukan alasan yang bernas untuk
mempertahankan/membela diri.

Kalau Haram tetap Haram.

Yeah, ada seorang hamba Islam ni pernah bertanya kepada seseorang.
"Haha, rokok ko kata haram tapi asal aku tengok para ustaz atau ulamak ada jgk yg merokok?"

Haha, yeah nilah manusia jenis ketagih tahap dewi.
Fikir jauh.
Manusia semua sama, sama-sama kekurangan dalam ilmu pengetahuan.
Kalau tahu, kenapa tak tegur dia untuk menjauhkan diri dari berbuat perkara Haram tu.
Dapat pahala free bukan?

Jika mereka mengambil sesuatu makanan, minuman atau sesuatu yang dihisap, dihidu dan disedut yang boleh memabukkan, maka perbuatan itu adalah jelas haram. Termasuklah yang mengandungi racun yang menyebabkan kematian. Aku tetap menganggap (menfatwakan) ia adalah haram. Allah swt mengharamkan apapun jenis pembunuhan kerana pembunuh bermakna membunuh diri sendiri.
-Imam Al-Syafi'e-

Orang yang menghisap rokok, doanya tidak akan didengari oleh Allah kerana mulutnya telah menghisap sesuatu yang telah dijamin Haram.
-Ustaz Ahmad Dazuki-

Sedut asap rokok, ia akan bercampur dengan darah, darah akan bercampur dengan air mani.
Buat cahaya mata, maaf untuk berkata, cahaya mata itu telah terbina dari benda
yang Haram.
-Ustaz Don Danial-

Rokok memang mampu menghilangkan stress sebab apa?
sebab kita akan terasa mabuk dan automatiklah lupakan segala
masalah dan pancaroba yang melanda.
Itu bukan jalan yang terbaik.

Doa'lah pada Tuhan, dia Maha Mendengar bukan.
Inshaa Allah, masalah/dugaan itu akan hilang atau kurang dialami.

Memang ajal maut Allah dah tetapkan sejak kita janin lagi,
bila tegur sahaja seseorang tentang rokok, alasan mesti sebegini bukan.
Allah tentukan sebab dia Maha Mengetahui.
Ajal Maut anda selepas anda menghisap benda Haram itu.
Disebabkan itu juga, tolong jangan mudah mempermudahkan tentang ajal maut ini
disebabkan Satu Batang Rokok.

Berubahlah demi kebaikan.
Ada pelbagai cara boleh kita ikuti untuk menghilangkan ketagihan.
Doktor-doktor telah mengeluarkan ubat-ubatan untuk
benda Haram ini.
Berusahalah jikalau tidak mahu
dan selain itu menjadi
sebahagian daripada Haram.

Biar ia keluar dari perut, janin yang suci.
Suci dari benda-benda Haram itu.

Yang baik datang dari Tuhan, yang buruk memang datang dari

Sekian sahaja.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Asif Jiddan to HIM

السلام عليكم

Hey there.
Alhamdulillah, Im still alive on this date.


Hmm, I'em tired enough.
Tired of everything that called 'love'
Alhamdulillah for what happen today, I can move-on even Im not with anybody.
I love being like this.
The past teach me alot.
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday, hihi
Allah knew the best.

Sometimes, with remembering the past, I could change.
To a new me, to a better me.
With HIS power, Im changing to a good Raihana Damia,
Inshaa Allah, Ameen.

My past was too worst, only certain ppl know about this
but I had determined to myself that I dont want to change to the old me, to a bad past of me.
Im wanted to change
to a good Damia.

To be a good daughter for my mum, dad.
I have to achieve on my ambition first.
To be a
physician surgeon.
Promise to myself.

Someone had give me some advice.
That ppl said...
"Putus cinta ?"
"Mcm nih lah."
"Kalo ikut umur sekarang. Nak bercinta tuh tak penting."
"Tapi tak salah kalau kita nak cinta org."
"Sebab benda tuh fitrah. "
"So. Kalau dah bercinta. Then putus."
"Jgn hampa."
"Sebab ramai lagi org kat dunia nih."
"Kita islam kan ?"
"So. Letakkan Allah no 1."
"Jgn jadikan pasangan kita tuh no 1."
"Kadang-kadang kita pandai cakap. Kita sayang Allah."
"Tapi kita tak sedar yg kita dah letak dia no 2."
"Sebab tuh kita senang kecewa bila kita putus cinta."
"Kalau betul kita syg kat seseorang,"
"Simpan perasaan tuh."
"Doa kat Allah."
"Sebab kalau kita betul-betul cinta kat Allah."
"Ins shaa Allah. Kita akan tenang. Dan senang utk kita dapat cinta yg sebenar."
"Ingat. Jangan kita rosak sebab cinta."
"Sebab cinta nih boleh jadi baik. Tapi bnyk yg rosak sbb cinta."
"Jgn tersilap langkah."
"Banyakkan berdoa. Tambah ilmu dengan baca buku-buku ilmiah."
"In shaa Allah. Mia akan paham maksud cinta sebenar."

"Menilai seseorang bukan kerana paras rupa ? Tapi itulah yang acap kali kita lakukan, mencari teman yang punya rupa paras yang menarik dahulu. tak percaya? Nilai sahaja diri kita di laman sosial kini

Ulama' kata " manusia tidak akan pernah belajar bersyukur, selagi mana dia tidak hilang sesuatu nikmat itu "
"Bersyukurlah selalu.. "

You're right
Maybe Allah separated us from someone because he is not suitable or it may not be the best for us so try to be thankful for what is given by this great servant of

Inshaa Allah.
HE had done the best plan for us.
so keep calm and waiting for it.
Great things will always comes.


Monday 9 December 2013


السلام عليكم

Guess what, Im moving on. Alhamdulillah.
I can move-on cause I had met someone new, Inshaa Allah someone loyal will be.
His name was secretly, starting with A, end up with D.
Dear girl, I dislike on sharing mine, hihi so back off yeah.
Alhamdulillah, hopefully he was a good, loyal & handsome man will be.

Okay, lets go.
Past will only be my past.
Hm, maybe he arent my 'jodoh' so I should accept the fact, he had fall in love with someone new, someone that totally lucky, hey girl, take care of him for me.
Do sing a song, do text him, do call him.
Do everything that favor him, remember if he was heartless sometime, just ignore it and stay loving him.
He was totally loyal man eventhough he leave me now.
I dont care, he was not my mate. He's yours maybe?
But make sure, for every seconds, minutes, hours nor days, let his smile stay seductive
cause its was my favourite things on this earth.
dont worry madam, promise you I will never come back to his life,
he hurts me a lots.


but just stay loving him, how hurt he is, how damn he is, how suck he is
just love him perfectly
yeah, I knew, you must be thinking that I still have a feelings on him, yes oh yes
I do have, but now Im trying to be loyal to this man

A man,
that I doesnt know him yet.
A man,
that I doesnt know everything about him.
A man,
have a wonderful oval eyes.
A man,
that do have a seductive smile too.
A man,
that was a tall boyfriend to me.
A man,
that will be a good Imam, Inshaa Allah.

Dont scare, stay loyal to Asraf.
yeah, I had mention his name.
You love him, take  good care of him okay.
May have long-lasting relationship.

Eh, me overthinking, over-acting.
That was supposed to be an h-obby for hawa.
if you dont know me, dont judge me by reading this story.

even Im doing that suck stuff things, I do grateful on myself.
We have an adorable life so do enjoy it.
If you cant forget the past,
stay pray and do do'a to Allah.
I had do it and I had success on forgetting him.

Thats all guys,
done reading, keep hoping and praying for
Raihana Damia
to have

Friday 11 October 2013

Weird feelings (:

بسم الله

Assalamualaikum (:
Here we go.
See the title above, yeah all around was turning turtle.

No one will understand how much its hurt. No one knows, no one care.



I feel nothing on this earth, I do grateful for everything I have but sometimes everything makes my mind run riot.

Its hurt when we cant have someone that we loved.

Its hurt when no one care about you.

Its hurt when youre always being ignored by someone you love.

Its hurt when you cant have a great life.

Everything incomplete.
Nothing perfect.

I do know bout that.
Sometimes I do need your attention. Im seek -.-
But I know who I am, Imma just an ordinary, weird and dumb girl.
Im nobody right.
Imma seek in everything.
Sometimes you hurt me enough.
Imma down enough.
Continue to treat me like Im nobody.
Im okay. Truthly...
Im wishing that I could have a perfect life.
Im wishing I could smile broadly and its wasnt fake anymore.
Im wishing that something that I dislike to happen, couldnt happen but I cant stop the fate.
I cant cause Im nobody.
Im just Imperfect me.
I cant go it alone.
I need you, just you.
Its okay if it couldnt happen, maybe I deserve with someone else.
I could mean to them a lot someday and it maybe you or not...
Stop mia stop.
I hate this feelings.
A feeling that cant fade away.
Huh, Im tired of you act.
Too tired enough.
If youre think that Im mean to you, try to treat me well but if Im not.
Try to be honest and let me go.
Let me free from this hurt.
I need some freedom someway.
Please, I beg you.

Friday 26 July 2013


Hellooooooo. :)


Rindu nak share story dekat sini.
Kalau boleh, problems Mia pun Mia nak luahkan but its too public here. 
ugh, everything like turning turtle right now.
Mia kekadang tk larat nak hadapi semua ni, tapi nak buat cemana kan?

This is faith.

Its too hurt when someone tht you love is ignoring you.
But I've accept it.
Its complicated right?
Hmph, idk.

Hey you.
A person that staring at this page.
Im sorry for what I've done at you.
Maybe you dont know my personality, maybe you're thinking tht Im playing your heart or you're thinking that Im playgirl.
Im so so so sorry. :'|
you should know.

Girl need attention.
Girl need to feel being love everything.
They need attention to be with. Being happy everyday with you. 
Beside you. 
Sharing their problem and everything with you. 
Everything with their lovely person.
Im sorry if our personality and attitude were not same as I thought.

Truthly, I miss the old us.
I thought that we're just friend or both of us would be Bestfriend.
But something change it.
The old of us.
We're happy.
Smiling non-stop everytimes, enjoying our day everyday.
When we met for the first time, I think you're a bad guys but Im wrong. 
My thought was definately wrong.
You're a nice guys.
We're a good friend until the honesty begin.
You've express me about your feelings at me and everything changed after that.
No more friend between us and its goes to love.
The fine love was totally okay until it was destroy by myself.
Im sorry.
Im quiet bad if you know me more.

Im sorry for everything okay.
Forget and forgive me more.
I still care everything bout' you.
May you happy with your new life, guys.

Thats all for now viewers.
May you guys enjoy with this short story.
Sorry if its too dumb bored.
Haha, bye x.x

Saturday 27 April 2013

Te' Amo.

Helloooo there. :)
Too bored here.
Here we go.
I want to share something.


Why you dont reply my text?
Why you dont answer my call?
Why you cant spend anytime with me?

You make me like you at first time.
You make me feel guilty.
You make me ashamed when meet you.
You make me happy.
You make me sad.
You make me fall in love again.
You make my world shine again.
You make me feel complete.
You make me feel comfortable when I'm with you.
You make me feel anything.
Only you.

Dont make my life dark again.
I need your love to shine my life back.

Dont you realize that I always make a time with you.
Waiting for your text.
Waiting for your call.
Waiting for you to meet me.
Waiting for anything abt you.

You know, I realize tht you never care abt me.
Never understand my feelings.
Never think positive on me.

You know?
I always think positive on you.
I always think that you're busy with your study even your friend say that you're  not.
I just thinking that you just make a time with another girl. Your scandal. Your crush or maybe your lovely ex..
I hate it. x.x

I hate when my feelings control me.
I hate when my feelings wanna change to other boy.
I hate all abt it.

Understand me..
Make any action of it.
You know, I cant live without your love.
I always keep my promise at you tht I'll not leave you.
I keep your promise too.
Remember that.
Okay, I'm tired. x.x
I hope I can meet you tomorrow and talk abt this.